Wednesday 10 October 2012

TV Commercial Analysis Sheets

Sarra Hawryluk
October 4, 2012

TV Commercial Analysis Sheets

Directions: Answer the following questions about one of the TV commercial that we watched in class. Write in complete sentences.

I. Describe the commercial: 
  1. What product or service is the commercial trying to sell? 
This commercial is selling the Volkswagen Jetta.
  1. Where was the commercial set? Describe the setting(s). 
This commercial is set on the street in front of a family’s house. It’s summer and the kids are playing outside.
  1. Who was in the commercial? Describe the people in the commercial. 
In this commercial there is a man. He has brown hair and is in his 30’s. There is also a young boy and girl. They are the man’s next-door-neighbors.
  1. What objects were in the commercial? Describe the objects. 
The main object used in this commercial is the Volkswagen car. There are also toys that fall out of the tree when the car door is closed.
  1. What happened in the commercial? Provide as much detail as you can. 
First the man drives up to the house and gets out of his car. He closes the door. Toys start falling out of the tree in front of their house. The boy and girl (the mans next-door-neighbor) run to get their toys that they lost in the tree. The girl looks at the man and the he opens and closes the door again. The girls doll falls from the tree. She grabs it and says “Thanks Mister!” then runs away.

II. Analyze the purpose of the commercial: 
  1. Who is the target audience of the commercial? Explain how you know. 
The target audiences of this commercial are families looking for a sturdy car. I know this because there are children in the commercial and also the car is so strong even the door closing shakes the toys from the tree.
  1. What is the message of the TV commercial? In other words, what do the commercial’s creators want the target audience to believe about the product? 
The message of this TV commercial is that the Volkswagen Jetta is a strong car.

III. Analyze the techniques the commercial’s creators used 

  1. What visuals techniques do the commercial creators’ use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. 
-The first visual technique the creators used was how all the trees and grass were green. This makes the car stand out. This is important because the car is what the commercial is about.
-The second visual technique was when the toys fell out of the tree. This makes the commercial interesting to watch and it catches your eye.
  1. What aural techniques do the commercial creator’s use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. 
-One aural technique the creator uses is the kids rejoicing when their toys fall from the tree. This shows that everyone in the family will love the car, even the kids.
-Another aural technique they used was when the door shut closed. It supports the message by showing that the car is strong and good quality.

Monday 1 October 2012

September 28- Commercial Analysis Practice

TV Commercial Analysis Sheets 

I. Describe the commercial: 

1.            What product or service is the commercial trying to sell? 

2.            Where was the commercial set? Describe the setting(s). 
-House, “Star wars”

3.            Who was in the commercial? Describe the people in the commercial. 
-Dog, Star wars people

4.            What objects were in the commercial? Describe the objects. 
-Car (Red)

5.            What happened in the commercial? Provide as much detail as you can. 
-The dog is getting fat so he wants to work out. He does. Then he gets fit. He runs out of the house and runs after the car. It then shows star wars people at a bar. They are discussing weather the dog or darth vador was better. The guy said the dog. Darth Vador walks in and gets mad at the star wars guy.

II. Analyze the purpose of the commercial: 

1.            Who is the target audience of the commercial? Explain how you know. 
-The target audience would be car owners or people trying to find a car to buy.
Also people that like dogs and star wars.
People who like football because it is being shown during the superbowl.

2.            What is the message of the TV commercial? In other words, what do the commercial’s creators want the target audience to believe about the product? 
-They want the audience to remember the first commercial.
-Back and better then ever!!

III. Analyze the techniques the commercial’s creators used 

1.            What visuals techniques do the commercial creators’ use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. 
-Star wars people
-The car stands out against the green trees

2.            What aural techniques do the commercial creator’s use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. 
-Back and better then ever!!
-Darth Vador breathing
-Star wars guys talking
-Music gets scary when darth vador comes in

September 27- Commercials from other countries

Commercials from different countries

Mcdonald's commercials from other countries





September 27- Vintage commercials

Vintage commercials

How it fits its decade:
-Black and white
-Drawings instead of actors
-The way people are dressed
-Do much camera action

Audience: Busy parents

Brand: Jell-o

What is being sold: Jell-o

How it fits its decade:
-Black and white
-Less talking and more acting
-The way the boy is dressed

Audience: People with kids

Brand: Jell-o

What is being sold: Jell-o

How it fits its decade:
-No talking and all acting
-The way the kids are dressed

Audience: Kids

Brand: Jell-o

What is being sold: Jell-o

How it fits its decade:
-Better colours
-The way the people are dressed
-80’s music

Audience: Families

Brand: Jell-o

What is being sold: Jell-o

How it fits its decade:
-Better colours
-Use of famous people

Audience: Kids

Brand: Jell-o

What is being sold: Jell-o

How it fits its decade:
-They way people are dressed
-Better quality
-Modern music

Audience: People that like to help other people

Brand: Jell-o

What is being sold: Jell-o

September 24- Copyright video and questions

September 20- Tension and questions

Tension by Matthew Holdenried and questions

What ideas do you like from this film?
-I really liked how there was no speaking in this film. It allowed you to really think about what was happening.

Is there anything you wish was different?
-I kind of wish that the plot was explained a bit more. I was a little confused about the purpose.

How could you use this style of working in the project that your about to do?
-I can use the style of no talking. I could just have music playing in the background.

Discuss music in story (tempo).
-The music was very pretty. It was slow and flowing. I think it really impacted the mood of the film.

September 19- Wall-E shot by shot exercise

Wall-e Shot by shot exercise

Wall-e was created to clean up all the garbage on earth.

 He has to stack up all the garbage cubes.

His only friend is a bug. 

 Wall-e looks for cool stuff in the garbage

 One day, something strange came to earth. :0

 It was a space ship!

 The space ship left.

 But Wall-e caught on the ship to go for a ride!

The space ship went into outer space. Wall-e was about to have an adventure!