Monday 1 October 2012

September 28- Commercial Analysis Practice

TV Commercial Analysis Sheets 

I. Describe the commercial: 

1.            What product or service is the commercial trying to sell? 

2.            Where was the commercial set? Describe the setting(s). 
-House, “Star wars”

3.            Who was in the commercial? Describe the people in the commercial. 
-Dog, Star wars people

4.            What objects were in the commercial? Describe the objects. 
-Car (Red)

5.            What happened in the commercial? Provide as much detail as you can. 
-The dog is getting fat so he wants to work out. He does. Then he gets fit. He runs out of the house and runs after the car. It then shows star wars people at a bar. They are discussing weather the dog or darth vador was better. The guy said the dog. Darth Vador walks in and gets mad at the star wars guy.

II. Analyze the purpose of the commercial: 

1.            Who is the target audience of the commercial? Explain how you know. 
-The target audience would be car owners or people trying to find a car to buy.
Also people that like dogs and star wars.
People who like football because it is being shown during the superbowl.

2.            What is the message of the TV commercial? In other words, what do the commercial’s creators want the target audience to believe about the product? 
-They want the audience to remember the first commercial.
-Back and better then ever!!

III. Analyze the techniques the commercial’s creators used 

1.            What visuals techniques do the commercial creators’ use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. 
-Star wars people
-The car stands out against the green trees

2.            What aural techniques do the commercial creator’s use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. 
-Back and better then ever!!
-Darth Vador breathing
-Star wars guys talking
-Music gets scary when darth vador comes in

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